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Written By Rio Events on Thursday 21 May 2015 | 09:06

a series of questionnaire about cancer
Cancer - What is the disease? A series of questions are posed: What is Cancer? Who could have cancer? Cancer treatment how to prolong life? Is there a way to prevent it? Does modern medicine helpless before this cruel disease? The answer following partial answer questions on What Is Cancer?

Cancer is the name used to describe a group of patients reflects the difference reproduction change, growth and cell function. Normal cells become abnormal (mutated) and proliferate uncontrollably, invade nearby tissues or distant lymph system or blood vessels. 

The cancer starts when a cell pass control mechanisms of the body, begin to develop and proliferate continuously, forming a cell cluster development disorganized, invasive and put pressure on agencies and organizations around. The cancer cells have linked lax, easily picked off from the mother tumor, according to the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels migrated to the new organizations and agencies, sticking around and continuing proliferation (the process This is called "metastasis"). When the cancer metastasis pinched or agencies keep vital functions of the body like the brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, the patient will die.

A cause to cancer, the transformation from a normal cell into a single cancer cell is a multi-stage process, from a pre-cancerous lesion to malignant tumors. These changes are caused by the interaction between genetic factors and three categories of an outside agent:

The radioactive substances, ultraviolet rays:

These compounds directly affect the skin and can cause skin cancer, bone, blood and lungs

The chemicals cause cancer:

Secondhand smoke is a carcinogen contain so many smokers can get lung cancer, larynx, mouth, pharynx, esophagus, the lower throat, bladder etc.
Alcohol can cause cancer of the esophagus, mouth and larynx.
Other Chemicals: amiawng can cause lung cancer, cloruapolivityl can cause liver cancer, arsenic can cause lung cancer, liver cancer, skin cancer, and tar coal can cause skin cancer, lung cancer, laryngeal cancer, bladder cancer.

Diet and habitat:

Diet and environment also affect the occurrence of cancer, such as eating more fat can cause breast cancer, eat less residue susceptible of colon cancer, inhaled a lot of smoke, dust, waste of Lung cancer is now increasing.

Infections from certain viruses, bacteria or parasites cancer is extremely dangerous and without exception.


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